School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) Home
News & Announcements
Long Range Facilities Plan
April 15, 2024:
At a Special Board Meeting held earlier this evening, the Board of Education passed the third and final readings and adopted School Closure bylaws for the following schools:
Carmi Elementary
Parkway Elementary
Giant’s Head Elementary
ConnectEd Facility (not ConnectEd programs)
None of the school closures will take place until June 2025.
The district will now begin the transition plan for the following changes that will be occurring in the upcoming school year:
Current grade 7 students at the middle schools in Penticton and Summerland will transition to Grade 8 at the Secondary Schools in September.
Current grade 5 students at Columbia Elementary will transition to KVR Middle School in September as Columbia Elementary rejoins the Penticton Secondary Family of Schools.
The district will continue to engage and communicate with families as the 3-year transition takes place.
Visit for more information and updates.
At a Special Board Meeting held earlier this evening, the Board of Education passed the third and final readings and adopted School Closure bylaws for the following schools:
Carmi Elementary
Parkway Elementary
Giant’s Head Elementary
ConnectEd Facility (not ConnectEd programs)
None of the school closures will take place until June 2025.
The district will now begin the transition plan for the following changes that will be occurring in the upcoming school year:
Current grade 7 students at the middle schools in Penticton and Summerland will transition to Grade 8 at the Secondary Schools in September.
Current grade 5 students at Columbia Elementary will transition to KVR Middle School in September as Columbia Elementary rejoins the Penticton Secondary Family of Schools.
The district will continue to engage and communicate with families as the 3-year transition takes place.
Visit for more information and updates.
Strategic Plan 2023-2027
Empowering all learners to thrive. The Board of Education adopted the 2023-2027 Strategic Plan.
News & Events
Premier's Awards for Excellence in Education
School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) is pleased to announce that two employees have been awarded the Premier’s Award for Excellence in Education.