Mental Health
In September 2020, the Ministry of Education and Child Care released the Mental Health in Schools (MHiS) Strategy to provide a vision for embedding mental health and well-being into all aspects of the K-12 education system. The MHiS strategy recognizes the critical role schools play in promoting positive mental health for British Columbians.
School District 67 is committed to creating welcoming and inclusive school communities by ensuring that supportive practices for mental health and well-being serve as a foundation for our daily work. We are all more successful when we learn and work in healthy and safe environments where fostering well-being is embedded in everyday practice. Although the main role of schools is mental health promotion, the district has developed a continuum of mental health supports that range from universal everyday strategies to more targeted intervention that helps to connect students and families to community services for deeper support.
Our district’s focus includes
• creating a Sense of Belonging for students,
• teaching of Social Emotional skills,
• promoting Mental Health Literacy,
• and maintaining an integrated service approach to mental health.
While teaching SEL strategies on their own is beneficial, it is when these strategies are embedded in our daily practice and way of being that we build supportive learning communities. Our SD67 Mental Health Framework below captures our district’s vision for this work.
Open Parachute Parent/Caregiver Resources
Part of the Open Parachute program also includes online resources for Parents and Caregivers that help provide strategies for supporting the mental health and well-being of children at home:
Go directly to: Open Parachute Parent & Caregiver Resources
• Social Media
• Saying No
• Bullying
• Trauma
• Acting Out
• Self-esteem
• Addictive Patterns
• Mental Health
• Anxiety & Depression