Communicating with Students & Parents

Generative AI has grown rapidly, and as different platforms emerge, we can expect that people will take different approaches to using this technology. As with any significant social, economic or technical change, it's important we talk with our students about generative AI. Important topics might include:
- What are the benefits of AI?
- What are drawbacks or concerns surrounding AI?
- Can AI be used for an activity or assignment? Why or why not?
- How is learning impacted by AI?
- How do I remain safe and secure in using technology?
Communication around generative AI should reflect a number of considerations:
- We can expect that members of our learning community will have very different opinions on how AI should, or should not, be used.
- Some people will have a lot of experience using AI, while others may opt not to use it all.
- Some members of our community, for various reasons, may not be able to access AI.
- AI technology will change over time - guidelines will need to be fluid and change as needed.
In light of these considerations, SD67 will endeavor to engage with, and inform as appropriate, our parent community. We will do so through our website, parent information sessions and via school-based communication such as letters and emails. Parents should expect to be able to discuss concerns and explore questions with the educators and administrators of our schools through emails, parent/teacher interviews, information meetings, and other existing avenues.