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Subject | Grade Level(s) | Resource link |
Cross Curricular | All Grades | Five Moore Minutes Inclusive Education: it's not more work, it's different work! |
Cross Curricular | All Grades | The Provincial Outreach Program for the Early Years (POPEY) has created a Tips for Home Learning resource. |
Cross Curricular | All Grades | The EASE program (Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators) has now adapted some of the activities to be used at home by parents and caregivers |
Cross Curricular | All Grades | Books |
Cross Curricular | All Grades |
FOCUSED BC Digital Classroom Products
Cross Curricular | All Grades | Live It Based in BC, Live It creates highly produced, interactive educational experiences from Sea to Space. Their education resources align with the BC curriculum and are created by teachers |
Math | K-5 | Greg Tang Math Great interactive games and books |
Math | K-5 | Illuminations Lots of interactive games and activities |
Math | K-8 | SumDog |
Reading | K-5 | Audible audio books with no sign up required |
Reading | K-5 | We Are Teachers authors offering read-alouds of their books and books by their favorite authors. |
Reading | K-5 | Story On-line videos featuring celebrated actors reading children's books |
Reading | K-5 | Storybook from Space astronauts from the International Space Station read books aloud |